The tyre plus sizing or the tyre upsizing is the procedure of replacing a wheel with a larger one and mounting a suitable tyre on that wheel, the tyre with a smaller sidewall height(lower series, aspect ratio) than it's on the original equipment(OE) tyre, while keeping an overall diameter and a circumference of the new tyre approximately the same as they are for the OE tyre(i.e., stock tire).
Plus One - utilizes a larger wheel with the one-inch larger diameter than the OE wheel's diameter, in combination with a new tyre which has suitable, smaller tyre sidewall height than the OE tyre's sidewall height, represented by a lower tyre aspect ratio(i.e. tyre series/profile). Also, the new tyre has a larger tyre width(i.e. section width) than the OE tyre's width.
Plus Two - utilizes a larger wheel with the two-inch larger diameter than the OE wheel's diameter, in combination with the suitable tyre, the tyre with a lower aspect ratio(AR) and a larger tire width than the OE tyre's AR and width.
Plus Three - utilizes a larger wheel with the three-inch larger diameter than the OE wheel's diameter, in combination with the suitable tyre, the tyre with a lower AR and a wider tire width than the OE tyre's AR and width.